Ewon Cosy
Ewon IoT Routers
Straightforward VPN connection from anywhere, at any time
Remote Access to troubleshoot your machines without going on-site, drastically reducing support costs and improving machine uptime.

Secure and Easy
Every aspect of our solution optimizes security while ensuring that setup doesn't require IT configuration tools or command-line skills.
Flexible Remote Access
Along with our devices, our solution includes a desktop VPN client, mobile VPN client, and VPN cloud-service, all free of charge!
Flexible connectivity
Hard-wired Ethernet connection in your factory? Need WiFi connectivity? Installing in a remote site with only cellular service? We have you covered.
How does it work?
The Ewon Cosy establishes a secure VPN connection from the machine to anywhere in the world via Talk2M, a cloud-based remote connectivity solution.
The gateway seamlessly communicates on the local area network with the PLC and the HMI, and allows remote connection from a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Ewon Cosy and Talk2M make connectivity easy, and don’t require the user to be an IT expert to take advantage of the time and cost saving.
Ewon Cosy 131 - ETH
Wired Ethernet WAN connectivity
Ewon Cosy 131 - WiFi
WiFi connectivity on 2.4Ghz networks
Ewon Cosy 131 - 4G EU
4G Cellular connectivity for Europe
Ewon Cosy 131 - 4G NA
4G Cellular connectivity for United States and Canada
Ewon Cosy 131 - 4G APAC
4G Cellular connectivity for Asia-Pacific countries
Ewon Cosy 131 - 3G
3G Worldwide cellular connectivity